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Writer's picturesamrininayati


When it comes to our kids we leave no stone unturned to provide them with the best of everything within our means. As parents our focus is mostly on their education and learning. However, there is one essential thing that we miss out because of our care and love for them which is, teaching them basic life skills that will help them in “Adulting”.

We have to learn to let go of our urge to do everything for our kids and equip them to be independent, courageous and self-sufficient beings.

You must have come across these situations yourselves or heard about other people:

- A young adult being a victim to office politics.

- Successful professionals who don’t have a clue about how to budget their expenses.

- Academically bright student facing trouble when it comes to living alone.

These happen because as parents our focus is on getting good grades only. Teaching our kids basic life skills like money management, decision making, emotional intelligence can help them to be successful too. Our schools do not focus on life skills, therefore the onus rests on the parents to teach basic life skills to kids to raise them into independent, and self-sufficient adults.

How can you teach them to be independent?

By showing them and also encouraging when they wish to do something. Instead of getting troubled that they would create mess in the kitchen we must let them do it. After a few times they would also learn to clear the mess that they have created.

Here’s a list of some basic life skills that every child must know by the age of 10:

1. How to cook – When kids are involved in cooking from a young age, they not only understand the effort their parents put into making meals but they also love the process of creating/making something. However, it is important to give them the right kitchen tools to use as per their age and also the basic safety rules to follow while cooking.

2. Get ready on their own – Learning to take a shower independently, getting dressed up on their own, tying their shoelaces are some skills that they can learn from age 5 onwards.

3. Learn budgeting and shopping – Encourage them to have a piggy bank of their own. Also when they demand a toy or game they can save their pocket money and purchase from it. This teaches them the value of money and importance of budgeting. Kids above 7 can be taught how to pick and choose things. You can help them understand how we purchase something, what are the important things to consider before buying a product, researching other brands for prices, looking out for deals and then finally going for the one that suits your need.

4. Social Etiquettes – Speaking politely, using ‘thank you’ and ‘please’, dining etiquettes, knocking on door before entering, asking for permission before borrowing, effective communication, not peeping into other person’s phone screen, not judging others are some of the social etiquettes that can be taught early on from the age of 3 years and above.

5. Attend a phone call and note down message - Whenever you are away and they might have to attend a call from someone, teach them how to speak cordially on the phone and note down the message and then pass it on to the person concerned.

6. How to Clean and Organise – This is an invaluable skill that will help them lifelong. They must know to keep their beds, spaces, rooms, cupboards neat and tidy and their stuff organised. The rush of finding that toy or the book that went on its own trip would be gone once they learn to be self-organised and it will take hours off you of searching things and keeping them back at their places.

7. Grow a Plant – I cannot stress enough on this one. The joy of seeing the seedling turn into a full bloomed plant is exciting. Let them experience that! It will also teach them to care for nature and be close to it.

8. Learn to serve their own meals and clean up after them - Let them take meals on their own. Encourage them to clean up their plates, placemats and table after use.

9. Sort and fold Laundry - I have seen many grownups struggling bigtime with laundry. Teach your kids at a young age how to sort clean from dirty clothes and put them in laundry. Kids from 7 years of age can learn to operate a fully automatic washing machine and can help you load and unload it. Kids as young as 4 years of age can learn to fold clothes. Encourage them to do it often.

10. Basic First Aid – Teach them not to freak out when a minor injury happens and also assist them to learn how to provide basic first aid.

Of course no one ever told you parenting is an easy job. It is a lifelong marathon, where as parents you have to figure out and keep up on a brand new track each day. The better you build your base (teach basics early on), sweeter would be the result (adulting becomes easy for kids)!

Figure out the essential life skills you can teach your kids and bask in their glory of being independent.

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